The hardest part is getting to the gym, trust us
We’ll be the first to admit we’ve all got a list of excuses we use to justify not exercising. Whether you’ve accidentally-on-purpose missed the turning for the gym, or you’re just not feeling it today, finding your fitness motivation can be an uphill struggle.
If you’ve lost your motivation somewhere between 1 January and the start of summer, don’t sweat (yet)! Along with wellness expert Uxshely Chotai, we’ve pinned down some easy to follow tips for finding it again.
"I've got no motivation"
A few lucky people need nothing more than the knowledge that they’ll be fitter to get them out of the changing room door – but many of us need more incentive. Here’s where to start.
V is for visualise
"Whether it’s weight management, fitness, better health or all of the above," says Uxshely, visualising your goals can help you achieve them.
Team up
Research for Virgin Active found that women, who exercised together train for longer, burnt more calories and were more regular gym visitors. You go, girls.
"I find exercise boring"
Leave the idea that working out is dull at home, along with your excuses too.
Positive power
Researchers have found that connecting a positive experience with exercising can inspire you to do more. It could have been a fun-filled bike ride with friends, a swim in a lake that made you feel free, or a happy lift after a party where you danced the night away – they all count as exercise!
Dress up
Uxshely also advises dressing to make exercise an ‘event’ instead of a chore. "Invest in workout clothes you feel good in, rather than turning up in your ugliest baggies." Why not get yourself a reusable water bottle? It’s a great addition to your new workout outfit and it’ll come in handy, too! What's not to love?
"I'll be surrounded by people fitter than me"
Did you know ‘gym intimidation’ is a real thing? Sport England has found that one of the biggest barriers to women exercising is the fear of being judged on appearance or ability.
You’ve got this
We are our own worst critics, and at times project our negative thoughts onto others around us. It’s so easy to forget that everyone else is busy worrying about themselves that they won’t be watching you on the treadmill. Changing your thoughts is the first step to changing your results.
Fake it ‘til you make it
If you feel nervous before a workout, try a ‘Power Pose’ for a couple of minutes. Stand with your chest lifted and head held high, with your hands propped on your hips. This helps to increase your level of testosterone, raising your courage to try something new. Give it a go!
"I'm too tired"
It’s normal to feel tired after a long day at the office, longer still if your gym clothes are hanging up at home and not in your gym bag.
Keep it simple
A study has shown that regular, low-intensity exercise such as walking, gentle swimming or yoga can help reduce fatigue by 65 percent in inactive people. Who said exercising was hard, huh?
Go at your own pace
Scheduling in exercise, whether it’s before or after work can help to relieve your tiredness as exercise gives you energy. If you feel fatigued, it’s better to start off slow.
"I'm too busy"
Many of us are juggling work, childcare, relationships, friendships and social lives. So how do you find the time?
Short bursts
Walk up stairs and escalators, get off the bus or train a stop early, or jump around to your favourite songs. It all adds up!
Small but mighty
Starting with smaller goals will help you build your momentum to try longer, more focused exercises.
You’re all set to find your fitness motivation. Grab your towel, it’s time to sweat.
If you're on medication or have a medical condition, please speak to your GP before you start a new exercise routine.