Be well prepped for festival season

Heading to a festival this summer? We’ve got five top tips to help you survive the weekend and make it one to remember – for the right reasons!
Be sun smart
Festivals (even cloudy ones) could mean sun damage. And what with mosh pits, group hugs and sweat, sun cream can rub off pretty quickly. Soltan Protect & Moisurise Mini Spray SPF30 is an easy way to top up - it's so lightweight you won't notice it's on and has 5* UVA rating.
Find the first aid
Mud isn’t just going to mess up your wellies – it could lead to a sprain, twist or even a broken ankle (if you get stuck in the treacle-like sludge). Many festivals have a medical tent, so find it when you arrive. Some have casualty units, walk-in centres, pharmacies and first-aid posts, too.
Sensible drinking
Having a tipple? Make sure you have something to eat, as food slows the body’s absorption of alcohol. And for every drink you sip, have a glass of water. Remember, becoming dehydrated is linked to heat as well as sunshine, so take a refillable water bottle into sweaty music tents. Just make sure it’s empty when you pass through security – the main areas will have taps where you can fill up.
Tackle the toilets
You never know what’s lurking in the public toilets, so hand sanitiser is a post-loo essential. Soap & Glory Sugar Crush Antibacterial Hand Cleansing Gel* comes in a rave-like neon colour. And in case of tummy troubles, pack Imodium Instants (6 th3blets. For the relief of acute diarrhoea. Contains loperamide. Always read the label).
*Use antibacterial hand gels safely. Always read the label and product information before use
Choose the right sunglasses
Top sunglasses tip: it’s not what they look like, but what they feel like. Sunnies should sit far back on the bridge of your nose and close to your cheeks, otherwise UV light can sneak through the gaps between them and your face. We love the French Connection Cat Eye Sunglasses, much cooler than the pineapple shades we wore last festival season…